Thank You Notes

Sept. 4, 2019

Dear Tony and other Houston Ground Angels,

Richard and I continue our thanks for how you help so many cancer patients and their caregivers. Knowing transportation is available to M.D. Anderson from flights eases our minds so much when we plan our visits for appointments. Your volunteers are so helpful.

Since the need is greater than the volunteers can do, you provide Uber when necessary. That, too, is a big service and I feel certain it is costly for Houston Ground Angels. Richard and I hope our contribution will help HGA continue covering every mission needed! Mary is wonderful and kind when I call and your volunteers are great, too.

Thank you,
Sandra & Richard
Bartlesville, Oklahoma

August 29, 2019

Kathy & Mary,

Thank you both so much for your patience with me and commitment to me and others like me. I’m 80 and such a problem child this time. Hopefully my October trip won’t be so erratic. You and your team are much appreciated.

Thank you!
Forsyth, Maryland

August 27, 2019

Thank you very much for the rides from Hobby Airport back and forth to M.D. Anderson in May. My husband & I appreciated your generosity.

Scituate, Massachusetts

August 20, 2019

Johnese and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

With Christian love,
Lufgoff, South Carolina

May 17, 2019

Dear Houston Ground Angels,

Thank you for all you do to help Richard and me. I cannot count the times your volunteers have helped us! And, when you couldn’t, you have gotten Uber for us – so of course that too is help from you – just not a volunteer. Mary has been wonderful to help us on the phone and we have met such special people who have taken us to and from our planes. We have many good memories of your people.

At the moment, we are back to coming to M.D. Anderson more often and once again, you are meeting our every need. Many times we have driven to M.D. Anderson from Bartlesville, OK so we know how much traffic there is in Houston. We especially appreciate your volunteers (“native” of Houston or at least people who know the roads) who volunteer!

Thank you!
Sandra & Richard
Bartlesville, OK

Dear Houston Ground Angels,

On March 7, 2019, Jacko picked me up at Hobby and took me to the Rotary House. Following my last appointment on the 8th, David picked me up and returned me to Hobby. Both men were gracious, courteous and a pleasure to visit with. I am so grateful for their service and to all of you Ground Angels. Your service is such a blessing.

God bless you,
Wichita, KS

March 23, 2019

Dear Houston Ground Angels,

I can’t begin to tell you what a Blessing You are in my life. The Love & Dedication you have for helping others is Deeply Touching. I have & continue to meet the most amazing people through your organization. It is such a pleasure to know all of those whom I have met. Thank you for your time, love & energy. God bless you & your families richly.

Ocean Ridge, FL

March 30, 2019

Dear Ground Angels,

Thank you Houston Ground Angels for providing volunteer missions that are so essential in the fight against cancer.

Your time, effort, caring and dedication is appreciated more than you know. You are truly gifts from God.

San Carlos, CA

Dear Ground Angels,

We are two people from Pittsburgh, PA area that were lucky enough to meet up with Sandy outside Hampton Inn. We must have looked “lost” looking at our phone but it was Uber who was lost. Sandy asked if we knew about Ground Angels & said “come on I’ll take you to the airport”.

The rest is history! We soon met Charles too. They are wonderful people & when we heard of their good works, we’d like to make a small donation to you. (The same amount as one way to airport by Uber.) We have felt so blessed that we passed on the news to one other unfortunate couple who are thrilled you are in service.

Thank you for doing God’s work. My dream was to retire & volunteer & hoping God gives me more time to declare his work from my cancer.

#3 John 15:13 No greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends. God Bless you all & will keep you in prayer.

Chris & Jim

Dear Houston Ground Angels

Thank you so much for picking me up at the airport for my appointment at M.D. Anderson. Having cancer is a very scary and challenging thing and to be blessed with having a very kind person like Richard pick me up was an answer to a pray. He was so helpful. Your organization made a huge difference for me and I pray you will be blessed in the future servicing other patients.

Fenton, Michigan

Houston Ground Angels,

Here’s a small donation to cover expenses for a driver or someone else in your organization. I flew into IAH on September 26th and got picked up by one of your drivers. On September 28th, got picked up at Rotary House and back to IAH.

I can’t tell you and your drivers how much I appreciate the service you provide. While I could pay the taxi fare, it’s really nice to save the money and know that there are people willing to help so this small donation is to help you.

Thanks again.
Ann, Greenville, NC

Dear Ground Angels,

Thanks so much for the service you provide for M.D. Anderson patients. It’s a great sacrifice that you make to help ease the pressures and stress of the patients. Thanks so much for caring for others.

Thanks again,

Baton Rouge, LA

The thank you note below was written to Glen K, a Houston Ground Angel from a spouse of a patient.


You are definitely an “Angel on the Ground,” you helped multiple times, calling the Rotary House for a wheelchair availabilities and help boarding.

You answered my questions before I asked. God bless you for your kindness.

Mary, Presque Isle, MI

Dear Houston Ground Angels,

I want to thank you so much for all of the rides to M.D. Anderson. The weekly trips to Houston for the Clinical Trial was a bit overwhelming, but having such kind funny and generous souls there to help made it so much easier.

Angels indeed!

Thank you,
Kelly, Broken Arrow, OK

We would like to thank the Houston Ground Angels for all you do in helping patients who come to Houston for treatment.  You truly are “Angels” to all of those you serve.

With Many Thanks,
Roger & Sandra
Grafton, WV

Thank you for the round trip ride from Lake Jackson to the Rotary House and back. My mom and I appreciate what you and the other Ground Angels do.

Thanks again,

Prairieville, LA

My family & I would like to make a donation to Houston Ground Angels to thank you for your generosity. In addition, we hope this donation will help you in continuing to provide services. I am a patient at M.D.

Anderson in a clinical trial for ovarian cancer. Your wonderful volunteers have provided transportation to my family & me as they & I have come to Houston as I have had treatments. Your volunteers are so friendly & kind as well as prompt & efficient. My connection with them has truly made me feel connected to the people of Houston & their generous hospitality.

Again, thank you so much for your love & care to patients & their families who come to Houston for treatment. Regardless of the outcome of my treatment, your love & kindness will never be forgotten.

Oak Park, IL

Thanks for the blessing of the Houston Ground Angels!! Life savers.

Thank you,

Mike, Winnfield, LA

This donation is made on behalf of Carolynn. She was very appreciative and impressed with your services. A great amount of stress was relieved.

Thanks for your work!

Bartlesville, OK

Recently my husband and myself had the wonderful opportunity of having two wonderful drivers take and deliver us from Lake Jackson Airport to M.D. Anderson Medical Center and back. Their names were Richard (Chidlow) and Barbara (Smolowicz). Both of these individuals were professional and caring and provided us with the caring mission of the Angel Network. Thank You for this wonderful service!

Karen Lovelace
Midland, MI

Dear Houston Ground Angels & To Mr. Bill Barnes “Our Houston Ground Angel”

Thanks so much for transporting us back to Lake Jackson Airport. We both received excellent results this trip as well as being blessed with you & your mission. This service is so wonderful to give back & help patients to arrive to their destination without any worry & especially knowing where to go & taking us both ways.

Thanks again!
Karen & Cindy, Slidell, LA

Dear Vicki and Houston Ground Angels,

Thank you, from the “bottom of my heart” for your help, in “helping getting Bert and I” from airport to M.D. Anderson and back to airport again. We would still be lost in Houston if it had not been for “Houston Ground Angels”.

Mr. Ben Dyer our “personal angel”, was so kind to us, he took us to M.D. and 3 days later, took us back to the airport.

Bless you and the Houston Ground Angels.

Thank you,
Shirley, Surfside Beach, SC

Dear Houston Ground Angels,

I want to express my sincere thanks for the valuable service you give to those patients and families seeking medical treatment in the Houston Area.

Using my case as an example, my family and I have received many rides over my last nearly two years of treatment. There are so many expenses not covered by insurance, and travel is a huge expense for some of us. It is so hard to meet expenses when you are too sick to work. Also, your drivers give such a ‘human’ touch to the experience. I have been so amazed at how the Houston community embraces the patients coming there for treatment. From transportation to apartments, it is so needed and so appreciated.

I am nearing the end of treatment and I am back to work. I wish to acknowledge the wonderful work of the Houston Ground Angels with the enclosed donation.

Blessings on your work,

Goshen, Indiana

What the heart remembers most are moments shared.
Elizabeth Browne

To All of Our Angels,

Kyle and I would like to say thank you. What all of you do is truly a blessing to others. We have used this service countless times and all of our Angels have been amazing.

We can never repay or say thank you enough for what you have done for our family.

Kyle, Michelle, Lynnlea
Tonkawa, Oklahoma